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Freestyle RelayFreestyle Relay
4 x 100mTimed Final11 +StartlistResults 4 x 100mTimed Final11 +StartlistResults
Medley RelayMedley Relay
4 x 100mTimed Final11 +StartlistResults 4 x 100mTimed Final11 +StartlistResults
Other Events
1.All100m FreestyleTimed Final8:308 - 10 yearsStartlistResults
11.All200m FreestyleTimed Final15:008 years and olderStartlistResults
20.All400m FreestyleTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
2.All400m FreestyleTimed Final8:338 years and olderStartlistResults
12.All100m ButterflyTimed Final15:168 - 10 yearsStartlistResults
21.All400m FreestyleTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
3.All200m ButterflyTimed Final9:218 years and olderStartlistResults
13.All400m MedleyTimed Final15:208 years and olderStartlistResults
22.All800m FreestyleTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
4.Mixed4 x 100m FreestyleTimed Final9:358 - 10 years..................
14.Mixed4 x 50m MedleyTimed Final15:368 - 10 years.........Results
23.All50m BreaststrokeTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
24.All100m ButterflyTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
7.All200m BackstrokeTimed Final9:518 years and olderStartlistResults
17.All200m BreaststrokeTimed Final15:538 years and olderStartlistResults
8.All800m FreestyleTimed Final10:1111 years and olderStartlistResults
18.All100m BackstrokeTimed Final16:108 - 10 yearsStartlistResults
9.All100m BreaststrokeTimed Final11:308 - 10 yearsStartlistResults
19.All1500m FreestyleTimed Final16:1313 years and olderStartlistResults
10.All200m MedleyTimed Final11:338 years and olderStartlistResults

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1 - 30 November 2024 - 2024-11-30 - 8:30
1.All100m FreestyleTimed Final8:308 - 10 yearsStartlistResults
2.All400m FreestyleTimed Final8:338 years and olderStartlistResults
3.All200m ButterflyTimed Final9:218 years and olderStartlistResults
4.Mixed4 x 100m FreestyleTimed Final9:358 - 10 years..................
5.Women4 x 100m FreestyleTimed Final9:3511 years and olderStartlistResults
6.Men4 x 100m FreestyleTimed Final9:4411 years and olderStartlistResults
7.All200m BackstrokeTimed Final9:518 years and olderStartlistResults
8.All800m FreestyleTimed Final10:1111 years and olderStartlistResults
9.All100m BreaststrokeTimed Final11:308 - 10 yearsStartlistResults
10.All200m MedleyTimed Final11:338 years and olderStartlistResults
2 - 30 November 2024 - 2024-11-30 - 15:00
11.All200m FreestyleTimed Final15:008 years and olderStartlistResults
12.All100m ButterflyTimed Final15:168 - 10 yearsStartlistResults
13.All400m MedleyTimed Final15:208 years and olderStartlistResults
14.Mixed4 x 50m MedleyTimed Final15:368 - 10 years.........Results
15.Women4 x 100m MedleyTimed Final15:3611 years and olderStartlistResults
16.Men4 x 100m MedleyTimed Final15:4511 years and olderStartlistResults
17.All200m BreaststrokeTimed Final15:538 years and olderStartlistResults
18.All100m BackstrokeTimed Final16:108 - 10 yearsStartlistResults
19.All1500m FreestyleTimed Final16:1313 years and olderStartlistResults
3 - temps de passage officiel - 2024-11-30
20.All400m FreestyleTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
21.All400m FreestyleTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
22.All800m FreestyleTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
23.All50m BreaststrokeTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults
24.All100m ButterflyTimed FinalOpenStartlistResults

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with SplashMe App.