Last updated 30.09.2024 20:32
Entry Statistics by ClubMedalists by ClubProgression of Athletes (Summary)
Medal StatisticsMulti MedalistsBest Performance by Points
Medalists by EventProgression of Athletes (Details)Result file (Lenex)
50mTimed Final9 - 14StartlistResults 50mTimed Final9 - 14StartlistResults
50mTimed Final9 - 14StartlistResults 50mTimed Final9 - 14StartlistResults
50mTimed Final9 - 14StartlistResults 50mTimed Final9 - 14StartlistResults
50mTimed Final9 - 14StartlistResults 50mTimed Final9 - 14StartlistResults

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Entry Statistics by ClubMedalists by ClubProgression of Athletes (Summary)
Medal StatisticsMulti MedalistsBest Performance by Points
Medalists by EventProgression of Athletes (Details)Result file (Lenex)
1 - Svētdiena, 2024. gada 22. septembris - 22.09.2024 - 12:30
1.Girls50m FreestyleTimed Final12:30YOB 2010 - 2015StartlistResults
2.Boys50m FreestyleTimed Final12:49YOB 2010 - 2015StartlistResults
3.Girls50m BreaststrokeTimed Final13:20YOB 2010 - 2015StartlistResults
4.Boys50m BreaststrokeTimed Final13:35YOB 2010 - 2015StartlistResults
1.Girls50m FreestyleMedal ceremony13:59YOB 2010 - 2015
2.Boys50m FreestyleMedal ceremony14:02YOB 2010 - 2015
3.Girls50m BreaststrokeMedal ceremony14:05YOB 2010 - 2015
4.Boys50m BreaststrokeMedal ceremony14:08YOB 2010 - 2015
5.Girls50m BackstrokeTimed Final14:11YOB 2010 - 2015StartlistResults
6.Boys50m BackstrokeTimed Final14:28YOB 2010 - 2015StartlistResults
7.Girls50m ButterflyTimed Final15:04YOB 2010 - 2015StartlistResults
8.Boys50m ButterflyTimed Final15:15YOB 2010 - 2015StartlistResults
5.Girls50m BackstrokeMedal ceremony15:35YOB 2010 - 2015
6.Boys50m BackstrokeMedal ceremony15:38YOB 2010 - 2015
7.Girls50m ButterflyMedal ceremony15:41YOB 2010 - 2015
8.Boys50m ButterflyMedal ceremony15:44YOB 2010 - 2015

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